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CuriousLurker  May 26, 2016 • 9:03:32am

Excellent read, thanks.

Great White Snark  May 26, 2016 • 10:27:54am

One unspoken reason this happened falls in part right on us. Remember “anything but Bush V Clinton”? It has already been established we needed to be much more careful what we wished for. But now what this shows us is that in the popular political psyche neither was acceptable to us. It is on that unwise premise Trump was built. Bush knocked himself out the DNC could not find a winner against HRC despite her negatives.

The two parties have failed us this year. Miserably.

EPR-radar  May 26, 2016 • 6:40:37pm

re: #2 Great White Snark

One unspoken reason this happened falls in part right on us. Remember “anything but Bush V Clinton”? It has already been established we needed to be much more careful what we wished for. But now what this shows us is that in the popular political psyche neither was acceptable to us. It is on that unwise premise Trump was built. Bush knocked himself out the DNC could not find a winner against HRC despite her negatives.

The two parties have failed us this year. Miserably.

The GOP’s failure is far deeper than the shortcomings that exist on the Democratic side.

The linked article in the OP could (and IMO should) have made the further point that Trumpism is an inevitable by-product of what the GOP has become.

CuriousLurker  May 27, 2016 • 3:50:12pm

re: #2 Great White Snark

Do me a favor: Tell me exactly what her negatives are because I keep hearing about them, but no one ever lists them specifically. I’m talking about real, concrete provable things that make her a poor candidate (and potentially a poor POTUS), not just “I don’t like her on a personal level,” or “Bill did a, b and c when he was president,” and obviously not any unprovable smears or CTs (not that you would cite them, but still).

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